hansntareen: SKY view
pedrik: Roll
hansntareen: Square
pedrik: outlet
hansntareen: resonance in white
lalagag: DSC_0186
MrFauxTaux: Snow Fall in Goddard Park - Warwick, Rhode Island
MrFauxTaux: Boats in the Fog on Greenwich Cove - East Greenwich, Rhode Island
lalagag: like snow in autumn 0197
rowland-w: Rocky Hill Meeting House 11.10.17 3301
rowland-w: Windows thru windows 11.06.04 1363
MrFauxTaux: Pulaski State Park - Burriville, Rhode Island
lalagag: 0874 'birthday snow'
a thousand black dreams: to a butterfly
hansntareen: Winterized Dinghies
hansntareen: Chain link Fence
lalagag: DSC_0229
a thousand black dreams: beneath an ephemeral veil
MilesJanet: Glastonbury Tor
MilesJanet: mist, light and snow (explored)
MilesJanet: snow leopards (explored)
MilesJanet: happy fence friday! (explored)
rowland-w: Late Season Shadows 10.11.28 92
MilesJanet: a touch of frost
rowland-w: Reflecting on a Small Village 20.10.1016 121
pedrik: NaHCO3
hansntareen: white ribs
anamariacarmen: The thorns of the roses.