meghimeg: Guardati alle spalle
lucychan84: The melancholy of the garden
lucychan84: Summer
lucychan84: Beauty in blue
lucychan84: Ondina
lucychan84: Mermaid
lucychan84: Look at me
lucychan84: Dreams Garden
lucychan84: Blond of my heart
lucychan84: A Dream Within A Dream
lucychan84: Memories
{ Jessica Perez }: G R A T E F U L
{ Jessica Perez }: C H E R I S H
lucychan84: Steamcircus
lucychan84: Fleur
lucychan84: Paris belles
lucychan84: 1920's
lucychan84: Burlesque
lucychan84: Jewels
lucychan84: The moment
lucychan84: Part of your dream
lucychan84: Timeless
lucychan84: Surrender
lucychan84: In your eyes
lucychan84: Dreaming
meghimeg: Con il mio amore ho raggiunto stasera/ il limite del mare senza spiaggia,/per nuotarci dentro e perdermi in eterno-Tagore
itsdahna: IMG_0576.jpg