Feelinblack: St. Johns Dusk
Feelinblack: Rosa Stern
Feelinblack: August Shrimper
Feelinblack: The Pile
Jeff Holland74: Palms sunset 6030
Jeff Holland74: Palms sunset 6021
Jeff Holland74: Palms sunset 6023
Save Mayport Village: huguenot half dollar coin
Save Mayport Village: SpanishAmerican_War_Battery_1898
Save Mayport Village: King_House_Mayport_1880s
Jeff Holland74: Mayport Shrimp boats B/W 5774
Jeff Holland74: Mayport lighthouse 5793
Jeff Holland74: Mayport lighthouse 5792
Jeff Holland74: Shrimp boats 5784
Jeff Holland74: Shrimp boat Mayport Fl. 9875
Jeff Holland74: Shrimp boats 5773
Jeff Holland74: Mayport Church 5800
Jeff Holland74: Mayport lighthouse 5797
Feelinblack: Passed on Pelicans
Feelinblack: Port Park
Save Mayport Village: bucaneer and blackbeard
Save Mayport Village: shrimp boat converted to navy boat 1941
Save Mayport Village: 1929lighthouse
Save Mayport Village: ferry in mayport
Save Mayport Village: old mayport village
Save Mayport Village: Mayport_Presbyterian_Church_1887