Pentax_clic: Au temps des inondations... (Argentique) / At spring flood time... (Film)
Pentax_clic: Verger en hiver (Argentique) / Orchard in winter (Film)
Pentax_clic: La vieille poignée... (Argenique) / The old handle... (Film)
Pentax_clic: Au premier jour de l'hiver... (Argentique) / In the first days of winter... (Film)
Bruce_of_Oz: Kodak Tourist II with Anastar 101 lens
gilbert.gallego: Noirmoutier
gilbert.gallego: Noirmoutier
Bruce_of_Oz: Kodak Tourist II
Bruce_of_Oz: Low tide - Tourist_Anaston_Portra400NC_006
Bruce_of_Oz: Late afternoon light - Tourist_Anaston_Portra400NC_005
Bruce_of_Oz: Backlit and glare - Tourist_Anaston_Portra400NC_003
Bruce_of_Oz: Warm light on shoreline - Tourist_Anaston_Portra400NC_004
Bruce_of_Oz: The restaurant beyond the marsh - Tourist_Anaston_Portra400NC_001
Chris Schwer: There But Not There, Niagra Falls
Chris Schwer: The Other Niagra Falls
Chris Schwer: Tagged Trees Rochester, New York
Chris Schwer: Waiting for lunch at a diner in Naples, New York
Chris Schwer: Great Bend Overlook, Letchworth State Park Livingston County, NY
Chris Schwer: Anderson Avenue, Rochester, NY
Chris Schwer: Outside In
Forget the food! I need more film!!!: Vicksburg Military Park - Illinois Memorial
Forget the food! I need more film!!!: MIssissippi Ag & Forestry Museum
mikeinlagardette: Blind Gable
mikeinlagardette: The Garden Tool Shed
mikeinlagardette: Etang de la Vergne
mikeinlagardette: First steps stand develping with Rodinal
mikeinlagardette: Dilapidation!