adellyna_elly: P404d9988
adellyna_elly: P4160098
băseşteanu: pască-paştele ortodox 2015
londonconstant: P1310330
londonconstant: P1310329 Conserve Bonne Maman
londonconstant: P1310452 Cuisine Bonne Maman
londonconstant: P1340531 Pretzle
londonconstant: Happy Easter - Christos a Inviat - Joyeuses Paques - Buona Pasqua - feliz Pascua - Frohe Ostern - Христос воскрес -
londonconstant: Happy Easter - Christos a Inviat - Joyeuses Paques - Buona Pasqua - feliz Pascua - Frohe Ostern - Христос воскрес -
londonconstant: Happy Easter - Christos a Inviat - Joyeuses Paques - Buona Pasqua - feliz Pascua - Frohe Ostern - Христос воскрес -
adellyna_elly: Sarmale.
adellyna_elly: 10577063_10201390910854758_4441112102673022676_n
adellyna_elly: Pork with onion
băseşteanu: sfârşit de februarie
băseşteanu: paştele ortodox 2013
ralukkia: ultimate cheese
băseşteanu: craciun in maramures/christmas in maramures
băseşteanu: decembrie 2012
băseşteanu: craciun in maramures/christmas in maramures
băseşteanu: craciun in maramures/christmas in maramures
băseşteanu: craciun in maramures/christmas in maramures
băseşteanu: craciun in maramures/christmas in maramures
băseşteanu: craciun in maramures/christmas in maramures
băseşteanu: craciun in maramures/christmas in maramures
londonconstant: P1030655 Gin and Tonic
Nastase Florin: IMG_6121
Nastase Florin: IMG_6124