Alex@China: -18- On the "chouette" street (Dijon) France took with iPhone 4
Alex@China: -23- Building Support (Dijon) France took with iPhone 4
Alex@China: -37- A Great wall in Rue Chaudonnerie (Dijon) France took with iPhone 4
Alex@China: -38- Rue Vannerie (Dijon) France took with iPhone 4
Alex@China: -43- Rue Bellechasse (Paris) France took with iPhone 4
Alex@China: -22- The "Chouette" Cathédral (Dijon) France took with iPhone 4
Alex@China: -19- Préfecture (Dijon) France took with iPhone 4
Alex@China: -20- Bat Cave (Ranchot) France took with iPhone 4
Alex@China: -21- Old mansard (Dijon) France took with iPhone 4
Alex@China: -17- Berbisey's street (Dijon) France took with iPhone 4
Alex@China: -50- Typical Bourgogne house France took with iPhone 4
Alex@China: -51- Resting Place (Dijon) France took with iPhone 4
Alex@China: -52- Entrance (Dijon) France took with iPhone 4
Alex@China: -53- Escalier d'un Hotel particulier (Dijon) France took with iPhone 4