Lalaland Chelsey: Sketchbook page. Oh and it really is blood but I was ashamed of it being blood. But yeah.
Lalaland Chelsey: A serious raincloud poo problem...
Lalaland Chelsey: Do you ever wonder where those big fat raindrops come from?
Lalaland Chelsey: Dunce-Dude
Lalaland Chelsey: Miss Shannon Reed!
Lalaland Chelsey: stawberry girl
Lalaland Chelsey: Smokin'Chick
Lalaland Chelsey: MOLESKINE
Lalaland Chelsey: Three teeeeeny sketches from work.
Lalaland Chelsey: some hi-lighter typography
Lalaland Chelsey: WIP at work.
Lalaland Chelsey: Ghostly Phantom!
Lalaland Chelsey: I love cats!
Lalaland Chelsey: IMG01814-20110325-2241
Lalaland Chelsey: TodayClub
Lalaland Chelsey: Leah squirrely!
Lalaland Chelsey: 5 smelly things
Lalaland Chelsey: What I Wore Today