groovylab: Ali Goulet takes the hole shot
groovylab: Ali Goulet leads from the hole shot
groovylab: Roger Aspholm
groovylab: Roger Aspholm
groovylab: Roger Aspholm
groovylab: Ali Goulet has opened a gap already
groovylab: J.P. Partland in the early scramble
groovylab: J.P. Partland in the early scramble
groovylab: the masters 35+ peloton
groovylab: masters 35+
groovylab: Matt Kraus runs the corner
groovylab: USGP Master leader Ali Goulet
groovylab: 40+ National Champion Roger Aspholm
groovylab: J.P. Partland
groovylab: IMG_0725.JPG
groovylab: Edwin Bull
groovylab: J.P. Partland
groovylab: Roger Aspholm ahead of Matt Kraus
groovylab: Roger Aspholm
groovylab: IMG_0732.JPG
groovylab: IMG_0734.JPG
groovylab: Ralf Warmuth
groovylab: Jonathan Card
groovylab: Ali Goulet
groovylab: Roger Aspholm
groovylab: Ali Goulet
groovylab: Kris Auer
groovylab: IMG_0744.JPG
groovylab: Roger Aspholm
groovylab: Van Dessel owner Edwin Bull