groovylab: IMG_9903.JPG
groovylab: IMG_9905.JPG
groovylab: IMG_9908.JPG
groovylab: @ the pits
groovylab: IMG_9900.JPG
groovylab: @ the pits
groovylab: to the pit, atmo
groovylab: @ the pits
groovylab: Mercer Pit
groovylab: Stu Thorne
groovylab: cannondale
groovylab: cannondale
groovylab: wheels
groovylab: Kissena mobile
groovylab: sloppy
groovylab: Van Dessel gin & trombones cleaned up
groovylab: Leslie and Daniel
groovylab: Georgia Gould walking the course
groovylab: Richard Fries
groovylab: Kevin Dillard
groovylab: Anthony Skorochod
groovylab: SRAM neutral support
groovylab: SRAM neutral support
groovylab: J.P. Partland
groovylab: Richard Fries did a great job
groovylab: jump
groovylab: drum
groovylab: Barry Wicks, Ryan Trebon