groovyholly: Alternate for Day 7
groovyholly: Day 7: The fitting room
groovyholly: Day 4: Taking Tomatoes
groovyholly: Day 3: Waiting
groovyholly: Day 2: Same old, same old
groovyholly: Day 9: Get away from me! Don't touch my feet!!
groovyholly: Blocking the light: Alternate for Day 10
groovyholly: Day 13: Quiet Time with the kitty
groovyholly: Day 15: Finally!!!!
groovyholly: Day 16: Let me out!
groovyholly: Day 18: Trying to do my art journaling
groovyholly: Day 27: Shooting Hoops
groovyholly: Day 29: New shoes and socks
groovyholly: Day 30: Trying to clear my head
groovyholly: Day 31: Mission Accomplished!
groovyholly: Day 35: Misty morning walk
groovyholly: Day 36: Breathless
groovyholly: Day 39: Watching the sun set
groovyholly: Day 43: Here comes the sun!
groovyholly: Day 44: Rest please Ojo!!
groovyholly: Day 45: Trying to De-stress
groovyholly: Day 53: Fall Reflections
groovyholly: Day 55: The day the heat came on
groovyholly: Day 56: Overexposed
groovyholly: Day 60: Is anybody out there?
groovyholly: Day 63: An emergency trip to the Dentist
groovyholly: Day 67: the staredown
groovyholly: Day 71: A chill is definitely in the air
groovyholly: Day 74: What can you see?
groovyholly: Day 75: The state of my jeans