GrooverFW: Shimon Portrait
GrooverFW: Shimon2
GrooverFW: shimonback
GrooverFW: frankie has a drink 2
GrooverFW: frankie_drink
GrooverFW: basil2
GrooverFW: basil
GrooverFW: Shimon surveys her territory
GrooverFW: biggles
GrooverFW: Basil and the Cat Puppet
GrooverFW: frankie on the draining board
GrooverFW: Shimon gets picked up
GrooverFW: Frankie has a drink
GrooverFW: Shimon tries to sniff the lens
GrooverFW: Shimon's Tail
GrooverFW: basil at my house
GrooverFW: cat face
GrooverFW: cat face2
GrooverFW: shake your head
GrooverFW: futile digging
GrooverFW: rabid biscuit munch1 (Crosbie's)
GrooverFW: shimon chills
GrooverFW: a small dog
GrooverFW: Basil surveys the flat