Ross Hilbert: 8 to Infinity
nervous system: rendering showing an x-ray view of a Kinematics Dress structure
claude.polypheme: 13avr2017
FracturedPixel: IMG_2985
ekiselev: tchn
nmmmnu: Perpendicular Celtic rendered as Buddhabrot in False colors - Blue-Red
Rhox.inK: the loop closes | HTDA tribute
Quasimondo: 45 Fossiles
fdecomite: The Lost Art of Cyclid Islands Weavers
DLGNCE: GURUS! Swiping (2014)
Village9991: Halftoning Myselft Swiping (sketch)
jimwrenholt: Wrenholt_Hyperbolic_Snub_Cube_1403
jimwrenholt: Wrenholt_Hyperbolic_Hexahedron_1423
ellenm1: er667foldingint4bd11bd_1bdb_rrr_tonemapped
christoph bader: simpsymm02
christoph bader: simpsymm06
ekiselev: Bird of Flame
jimwrenholt: Wrenholt_Rhombicosidodecahedron_1201
jimwrenholt: Wrenholt_Truncated_Icosidodecahedron_1201
jimwrenholt: Wrenholt_Geometric_Design_166
jimwrenholt: Wrenholt_Rhombicuboctahedron_1202
jimwrenholt: Wrenholt_Dodecahedron_1214
DLGNCE: Cosmic Vision