Cynthia Longo: Clock tower that overlooks the National Buchenwald Memorial Site
Cynthia Longo: Jedem das Seine / To Each His Own
Cynthia Longo: Jedem das Seine / To Each His Own
Cynthia Longo: Liberation
Cynthia Longo: The Gate House
Cynthia Longo: In the Footsteps of the SS (2 shots)
Cynthia Longo: Commemorative stone for the 1938 special camp for Jews (1954)
Cynthia Longo: Memorial to the Sinti and Roma ("Gypsy") victims (1995)
Cynthia Longo: Side view of the crematorium, hanging post, and stone cart.
Cynthia Longo: Goethe Oak
Cynthia Longo: Commemorative stone for members of the British and Canadian armies murdered in the camp (1954)
Cynthia Longo: Stone Cart (replica) & Hanging Pole
Cynthia Longo: Pathology
Cynthia Longo: Pathology
Cynthia Longo: The Crematorium
Cynthia Longo: SS Guard Tower
Cynthia Longo: The Crematorium
Cynthia Longo: SS Zoo / Bear Exhibit
Cynthia Longo: SS Zoo / Bear Exhibit
Cynthia Longo: SS Zoo / Bear Exhibit
Cynthia Longo: SS Guard Path
Cynthia Longo: Disinfection Station - Buchenwald
Cynthia Longo: The Depot / Museum
Cynthia Longo: Commemorative stone Political Inmates from Bulgaria
Cynthia Longo: Epidemic typhus experimentation barrack
Cynthia Longo: Graveyards of the Soviet Special Camp
Cynthia Longo: Commemorative stone for Homosexual Men.
Cynthia Longo: "Little Camp" Memorial