grockpilot: After run-up at Rwy 8 @ KBUR
grockpilot: Waiting for the WN 737 to land on Rwy 8
grockpilot: Piper Warrior's wing - N8231A
grockpilot: Approaching Catalina Island from the northeast
grockpilot: You can see the landing strip on the right sloping slightly up
grockpilot: Nothin' but water down beautiful
grockpilot: I love this can see the Airport in the Sky
grockpilot: Taxiing out from the parking area
grockpilot: Catalina Flying Boats - Beech G18S
grockpilot: That's not the Catalina DC-3 but it'll do
grockpilot: Just before turning onto Rwy 22
grockpilot: View of the mainland - that's a trippy view and trippy thought - the mainland
grockpilot: After a short-field takeoff, Catalina has got lots of hills
grockpilot: Looking back at the Airport in the Sky...we drifted right a bit
grockpilot: Hills
grockpilot: More ground
grockpilot: Heading southeast, check out the marine layer
grockpilot: Random ground spotting
grockpilot: The AVX VOR
grockpilot: Looking south, down the rest of the island
grockpilot: I love fluffy and exhilarating...sadly I don't get to fly thru these....yet.
grockpilot: My view
grockpilot: 109_0957
grockpilot: Love those clouds against the mountains
grockpilot: COM Stack
grockpilot: Clouds below
grockpilot: Purdy!!!
grockpilot: It's fading away
grockpilot: Can you see Avalon?