groc: disc world
groc: demon ducky wants to know if you brushed your teeth
groc: a tiny David Lynch moment
groc: new green gadgets
groc: Hanging
groc: ...there is no such thing as an iPoddy...
groc: briiiing-briiiiiing!
groc: Wooo! Thanks Andi!
groc: when I opened the cupboard...
groc: what's inside survives
groc: my shirts pop 9
groc: my shirts
groc: my bag
groc: ickle
groc: some notebooks and some pens
groc: pigeon in my kitchen
groc: Oh Noes! Disaster!
groc: Blue Ink! Eurgh!
groc: bathroom
groc: hangmen
groc: shadows
groc: some books
groc: I wish I lived on the West side of the building
groc: dryer felt
groc: shadows
groc: shadows
groc: glasses
groc: 'loons
groc: my iguana towel
groc: would you like a free newspaper with your deeveedees?