groc: glug glug glug
groc: just hangin' around
groc: where's the Doctor?
groc: salt and pepper
groc: spongebob and dalek inflatable redux
groc: spongebob was never that good a judge of character when it came to choosing new friends
groc: ducky
groc: upgrade!
groc: blank-3
groc: the family blank
groc: blanked
groc: blank girl wants information
groc: blank girl likes the water mill
groc: blank girl likes butternut squash
groc: blank girl & butternut squash are good friends
groc: blank girl Back about 1.30 - 2pm today
groc: a blank girl for the blank generation
groc: patrick x2
groc: Parasaurolophus Hilton has friends in high places
groc: munki
groc: wwwwwwwe're off to see the w...
groc: Smith and Jones
groc: P. Hilton and Who
groc: I'm sure they're talking about me....
groc: stare
groc: I know that some people can't 'bear' that this shop dares to sell Golliwogs.
groc: Helga sent me an Aye-aye
groc: scarred
groc: love sec
groc: hhhhhHHHHhhhappy HhhhhHhhhhaaaaalllooooweeeen