groce_sd: 1. The crew before the race - King, Kiley, Drees, Suzanne, Otto, Groce, Lee Anne
groce_sd: 2. Suzanne says she wore these just for Jim
groce_sd: 3. Stretching and waiting for the race to begin
groce_sd: 4. Kiley and King do a warm-up and come back to the Start Line
groce_sd: 5. The course about half a mile in
groce_sd: 6. The course just past the one mile point
groce_sd: 7. The course between miles 2 and 3 somewhere
groce_sd: 8. The crew post race - Kiley, Files, Suzanne, Groce, Lee Anne, Otto, King
groce_sd: 9. Drees being a perv - again
groce_sd: Mission Trails 10K
groce_sd: Mission Trails 10K - pre-race run