grizzman86: Blue Morph Snow Goose at Amana
grizzman86: Ross's Goose
grizzman86: Ross's Goose at Amana
grizzman86: Ross's Goose resting
grizzman86: Snow Geese pair
grizzman86: Norther Shoveler tilting head
grizzman86: Male and Female Wood Duck
grizzman86: Wood Duck swimming in pond
grizzman86: Wood Duck shaking head
grizzman86: Northern Shoveler
grizzman86: Wood Duck on log
grizzman86: Lone Snow Goose in flight
grizzman86: Blue Morph Snow Geese walking towards the water
grizzman86: Geese in flight
grizzman86: Eagle and Geese
grizzman86: Geese erupting in flight
grizzman86: A Skein of Geese
grizzman86: Snow Geese looking for a landing spot
grizzman86: Group of Snow Geese in flight
grizzman86: Snow Goose duo flying
grizzman86: Snow Geese flying
grizzman86: Snow and Blue Morph Snow Geese
grizzman86: Snow Geese on lily pad lake
grizzman86: Snow Goose swimming
grizzman86: Snow Goose feeding
grizzman86: Blue Morph Snow Goose
grizzman86: Snow Geese resting at a lake
grizzman86: Greater White-Fronted Geese in flight
grizzman86: Eagles and Muskrat Mound
grizzman86: Greater White Fronted Geese in flight