gritphilm: roses at mom's place
gritphilm: roses at mom's place
gritphilm: roses at mom's place
gritphilm: fuzzy ninja mom
gritphilm: hahaha
gritphilm: morning mom
gritphilm: a picture of a picture... My mom likes this shot.
gritphilm: pepper and bone
gritphilm: yummy
gritphilm: mom made waffles
gritphilm: and this is where I parked, just in case I got lost
gritphilm: Zoom
gritphilm: in SFO
gritphilm: Smart Cart
gritphilm: Chocolate chip IHOP noms
gritphilm: same bacon.
gritphilm: bacon
gritphilm: drool
gritphilm: noms
gritphilm: Waffles... flavor pockets. Coma ensuing.
gritphilm: bombing run
gritphilm: Bird shit in the shape of a feather... or is it me?
gritphilm: plant sex rolls by. A tiny tumble weed.
gritphilm: below my feet
gritphilm: you could be here