Red.Gates: Saratoga County Homestead.
Red.Gates: Haunted Hospital.
Red.Gates: Former county home/sanatarium. Abandoned and reported to be Haunted.
Red.Gates: Old Saratoga County Homestead.
Red.Gates: Old insane hospital.
Red.Gates: Haunted Hospital, Barkersville NY.
Red.Gates: Saratoga County NY...former TB clinic/sanitarium/hospital.
Red.Gates: Haunted Hospital in remote Barkersville NY. "Children's Wing"
Red.Gates: Haunted Doctor's home.
Red.Gates: Haunted Hospital!
Red.Gates: Haunted Hospital steps.
Red.Gates: Dead End Dolly.
Red.Gates: Haunted Hospital.....
Red.Gates: Hospital.
Red.Gates: Haunted Hospital.
Red.Gates: Haunted Hospital!
Red.Gates: Doctor's House.
Red.Gates: Hospital in ruins.
Red.Gates: Shaker's nursing home..
Red.Gates: Haunted Hospital !
Red.Gates: Haunted Hospital in remote Barkersville NY.
Red.Gates: Barkersville, NY.
Red.Gates: Siding.
Red.Gates: Haunted Hospital.
Red.Gates: Haunted Hospital
Red.Gates: Old TB Hospital.
Red.Gates: Haunted Hospital.