yaman ibrahim:
kg boy
Marking time
Melanie Leeson:
Elevated # 1 on Explore October 9th, 2018
Hengki Koentjoro:
At Ease
MD Dream Pics:
Charleroi tribute to the 350 years anniversary 3/52
Philippe Renauld:
Martin-pêcheur d'Europe (Alcedo atthis - Common Kingfisher)
Fabien Lasserre -:
Portrait of Franz-Olivier Giesbert also known as FOG, Former publication manager of « Le Point ». He is still Editorialist for this weekly newspaper - 2014 of May the 25th - Paris, France
Fabien Lasserre -:
A Batammariba boy, in the land of the Tamberma. It means "Those who shape the land » - The Batammaribas are subjects to precepts and sustainable traditional practices inherited from the ancestors - Koutammakou - Togo
Fabien Lasserre -:
Portrait of Daniel Cohn-Bendit. As a member of the European Parliament (co-chair of the Greens group), The Franco-German has become the most well-known deputy of The Strasbourg Parliament. The former leader of 68 retired from political life after 20 years