Grimmie: First drink of the day
Grimmie: Crabby
Grimmie: 5punkers outdoors
Grimmie: Becki kidnappped my camera
Grimmie: Viciously bright
Grimmie: Becki took this one
Grimmie: The line-up
Grimmie: The set-up
Grimmie: My dice
Grimmie: The pig is a horse
Grimmie: Hulk smash!
Grimmie: Outside
Grimmie: Spoilers: It was the Blue dragon.
Grimmie: A twist
Grimmie: This right here
Grimmie: Berk's brain starts to melt
Grimmie: Goons hold the crowd at bay
Grimmie: Fucking street samurai
Grimmie: Dragon
Grimmie: Shoes' replacement
Grimmie: Streaming hats
Grimmie: FatherJack - Animal abuser
Grimmie: The look of a satisfied GM
Grimmie: In the end
Grimmie: This guy is a watcher spirit
Grimmie: Pnut's look of drunken concentration
Grimmie: Dice rollers
Grimmie: End of the first night
Grimmie: The very next day...
Grimmie: Woah there