Grimmie: Computernerds
Grimmie: Luggage
Grimmie: Gamers
Grimmie: ROCK ON
Grimmie: Samurai Jock
Grimmie: Berk
Grimmie: BOBBINS
Grimmie: Okay
Grimmie: Pretty
Grimmie: HAT HAT HAT
Grimmie: Lesser hatted Hehulk
Grimmie: More games
Grimmie: The cool kids
Grimmie: Solololoman
Grimmie: What
Grimmie: Camrah
Grimmie: Ain't impressed
Grimmie: Oh look another view
Grimmie: Ty wears hats
Grimmie: Jock the Viking
Grimmie: Jock the -
Grimmie: Ty - Master of spiders and stuff
Grimmie: Prof is on the council of official faces
Grimmie: Cheeseandham
Grimmie: The mob
Grimmie: Unsightly
Grimmie: Still walking
Grimmie: Oh look
Grimmie: People pull faces and shit