James Grimmelmann: A Broken LED Sign on MARTA
James Grimmelmann: Waffle House
James Grimmelmann: Trouble at the Pool
James Grimmelmann: Trouble in the Pool
James Grimmelmann: Augusta and the Womenfolk
James Grimmelmann: Bouquet Toss
James Grimmelmann: Dave and the Menfolk
James Grimmelmann: Augusta and the Menfolk
James Grimmelmann: The Hunchback Groom
James Grimmelmann: A Whole Sea of Bad Expressions
James Grimmelmann: The Horah Nearly Collapses
James Grimmelmann: Mark Looks Better than the Krinskys
James Grimmelmann: Ben R. Suppresses a Laugh
James Grimmelmann: Karen and Ben H. in Backlight
James Grimmelmann: A Rare Tingley Sighting
James Grimmelmann: Anne and Dave
James Grimmelmann: Augusta is Skeptical
James Grimmelmann: Mark is Articulate
James Grimmelmann: P1010007
James Grimmelmann: Outside the Church
James Grimmelmann: The Happy Couple
James Grimmelmann: Julia, Cindy, Ben and Susan
James Grimmelmann: Group Shot
James Grimmelmann: Typical Expressions