Margaret Griffis O'Brien: nancy mae, ted the mod, tom
Margaret Griffis O'Brien: nancy mae, ted, tom on the way to the show
Margaret Griffis O'Brien: nancy mae, ted, tom
Margaret Griffis O'Brien: iggy lost in a blaze of fans
Margaret Griffis O'Brien: mike passes out when he finally realizes he's on stage with the stooges
Margaret Griffis O'Brien: stooges pilates
Margaret Griffis O'Brien: GUITAR (Clear and bright like the sound of jackboots upon wet cobblestones)
Margaret Griffis O'Brien: on the stage with the stooges
Margaret Griffis O'Brien: onstage with the stooges
Margaret Griffis O'Brien: crowd surfing onstage
Margaret Griffis O'Brien: on stage with the stooges
Margaret Griffis O'Brien: on stage with the stooges
Margaret Griffis O'Brien: on stage with the stooges
Margaret Griffis O'Brien: onstage with the stooges
Margaret Griffis O'Brien: iggy pop and the stooges