Southern Crescent Photographers!:
Sikes reflector 1
Southern Crescent Photographers!:
Sikes reflector 2
Southern Crescent Photographers!:
Sikes reflector 3
Southern Crescent Photographers!:
Vicky without reflector
Southern Crescent Photographers!:
Vicky with reflector
Southern Crescent Photographers!:
Vicky direct sunlight
Southern Crescent Photographers!:
Vicky without reflector
Southern Crescent Photographers!:
Vicky with reflector
Southern Crescent Photographers!:
James, Diectsunlight W/O
Southern Crescent Photographers!:
James, Directsunlight W/
Southern Crescent Photographers!:
James, Shade W/O
Southern Crescent Photographers!:
James, Shade W/
Southern Crescent Photographers!:
James, Shade 2 W/O
Southern Crescent Photographers!:
James, Shade 2 W/