Travels with my nikon: Carcar, Cebu, Local lady looking out the window on a sunday
Travels with my nikon: Carcar, local shop
Travels with my nikon: Waiting to go into church, local kids trying to be good!
Travels with my nikon: Anti-fixer Campaign
Travels with my nikon: For Hire, but business is a bit slow
Travels with my nikon: Fields on the road to Cebu city
Travels with my nikon: Garden in Cebu
Travels with my nikon: just over the wall from the pavilion a woman sells fish for tonights dinner
Travels with my nikon: Waiting for the procession to pass, a prayerful moment for many
Travels with my nikon: Dawn Cebu city
Travels with my nikon: Cebu-7977-Edit copy
Travels with my nikon: Cebu-7995-Edit
Travels with my nikon: Cebu-8007-Edit
Travels with my nikon: Cebu-8007-Edit-Edit-Edit copy
Travels with my nikon: Cebu-8018-Edit
Travels with my nikon: Cebu-8151-Edit
Travels with my nikon: Street in Cebu
Travels with my nikon: Street in Cebu
Travels with my nikon: Inside the Yap-Sandiego Ancestral House - Cebu The Philippines
Travels with my nikon: Inside the Yap-Sandiego Ancestral House - Cebu The Philippines