GRIDArendal: Variants of CEA 2
GRIDArendal: The CEA 2 business model
GRIDArendal: CapVal project financial flows
GRIDArendal: Durban wastewater recycling project and benefits
GRIDArendal: Stakeholder diagram for Durban Water Recycling
GRIDArendal: CEA 5 business model
GRIDArendal: WHO’s multi-barrier approach to reduce health risks in wastewater reuse
GRIDArendal: Faecal coliform and helminth eggs over time in an on-farm pond in Kumasi
GRIDArendal: Reduction of faecal coliforms on lettuce following application of risk-mitigation measures for safe wastewater irrigation
GRIDArendal: Steps in the Fortifer production process
GRIDArendal: Financial flows in the Fortifer business
GRIDArendal: A typical example of the sanitation service chain with variation for urban and rural areas
GRIDArendal: Outline of a circular economy
GRIDArendal: Common on-farm ponds use in West Africa
GRIDArendal: Use of weirs and reservoirs
GRIDArendal: Drivers of the circular economy approach in wastewater management
GRIDArendal: Factors influencing farmers’ buying behaviour in Ghana (per cent)
GRIDArendal: Generic pathways for the circular economy in wastewater management
GRIDArendal: The CEA 1 business model