GRIDArendal: The Mediterranean rainbow wrasse (Coris julis) in alert mode
GRIDArendal: Dusky spinefoot Siganus luridus
GRIDArendal: Symphodus roissali
GRIDArendal: A Symphodus roissali closeup
GRIDArendal: A school of juvenile red mullet (Mullus barbatus)
GRIDArendal: A ball of fibres of the dead leafs of Posidonia oceanica
GRIDArendal: A small gastropod snail crawl on a leaf grazing epibionts
GRIDArendal: The tips of the rhizomes of Posidonia oceanic
GRIDArendal: A sea cucumber crawl on a meadow
GRIDArendal: A seagrass seascape view
GRIDArendal: A seagrass seascape view (second)
GRIDArendal: A seagrass seascape view (third)
GRIDArendal: The five-spotted wrasse (Symphodus roissali)
GRIDArendal: A seagrass seascape view (fourth)
GRIDArendal: A seagrass seascape view (fifth)
GRIDArendal: A seagrass seascape view (sixth)
GRIDArendal: The understory of the green leafs of the meadow
GRIDArendal: Hey, are you watching to me
GRIDArendal: Sabella spallanzanii
GRIDArendal: Alicia mirabilis
GRIDArendal: Diplodus vulgaris
GRIDArendal: Symphodus melanocercus
GRIDArendal: Serranus cabrilla
GRIDArendal: Dead leafs of Posidonia oceanica
GRIDArendal: Dead leafs of Posidonia oceanica (second)
GRIDArendal: Black is the new blue
GRIDArendal: Meadow view with a school of damselfish
GRIDArendal: Small noble shell hidden in the meadow
GRIDArendal: The rhizomes of the meadow are expanding
GRIDArendal: Seascape view of a meadow (seventh)