GRIDArendal: Albatross take off!
GRIDArendal: Dusky dolphin acrobatics 1
GRIDArendal: Dusky dolphin acrobatics 2
GRIDArendal: Dusky dolphin acrobatics 3
GRIDArendal: Dusky dolphin acrobatics 4
GRIDArendal: Dusky dolphin backslap
GRIDArendal: Dusky dolphin breath
GRIDArendal: Dusky dolphin calf "nose"
GRIDArendal: Dusky dolphin side flop
GRIDArendal: Dusky dolphin synchrony
GRIDArendal: Dusky dolphin tailstand
GRIDArendal: Dusky dolphin tandem leaps
GRIDArendal: Humpback whale bubble-net feeding group
GRIDArendal: Humpback whale calf breach
GRIDArendal: Humpback whale calf breaching sequence 1
GRIDArendal: Humpback whale calf breaching sequence 2
GRIDArendal: Humpback whale calf breaching sequence 3
GRIDArendal: Humpback whale calf breaching sequence 4
GRIDArendal: Humpback whale calf breaching sequence 5
GRIDArendal: Humpback whale synchrony
GRIDArendal: Killer whale male and pod
GRIDArendal: Killer whale pod
GRIDArendal: Killer whale synchrony
GRIDArendal: Killer whales and calf
GRIDArendal: New Zealand fur seal in the surf
GRIDArendal: New Zealand fur seal mom-pup pair
GRIDArendal: New Zealand fur seal nursing
GRIDArendal: New Zealand fur seal pup portrait 1
GRIDArendal: New Zealand fur seal pup portrait 2
GRIDArendal: New Zealand fur seal pup portrait 3