GRIDArendal: Vegetation and land cover in the Arctic
GRIDArendal: Temperature increases in the Antarctic due to climate change, 2090 (NCAR-CCM3, SRES A2 experiment)
GRIDArendal: Protected areas, Arctic and Antarctic
GRIDArendal: Major research stations in the Arctic
GRIDArendal: Cold places on the Southern Continent
GRIDArendal: Population and main oil and gas production areas in the Arctic
GRIDArendal: The Antarctic hole
GRIDArendal: Climate change - ice and snow and the albedo effect
GRIDArendal: Cryosphere-winter seasons, Northern and Southern Hemispheres
GRIDArendal: Arctic, topography and bathymetry (topographic map)
GRIDArendal: Major research stations in Antarctica
GRIDArendal: Increases in annual temperatures for a recent five-year period
GRIDArendal: Northern Sea Route and the Northwest Passage compared with currently used shipping routes
GRIDArendal: Demography of indigenous peoples of the Arctic based on linguistic groups (major groups)
GRIDArendal: Arctic sea ice minimum extent in September 1982 and 2007
GRIDArendal: Extreme days and nights - daylight variation in the Arctic: Reykjavik, Murmansk and Alert
GRIDArendal: Population distribution in the circumpolar Arctic, by country (including indigenous population)
GRIDArendal: Major global bird migration routes to the Arctic
GRIDArendal: Greenland, showing rates of surface-Elevation change between the late 1990s and 2003
GRIDArendal: Fisheries in the Southern Ocean
GRIDArendal: Ecoregions in Antarctica
GRIDArendal: Projected temperature increases in the Arctic due to climate change, 2090 (NCAR-CCM3, SRES A2 experiment)
GRIDArendal: Historical trends in carbon dioxide concentrations and temperature
GRIDArendal: Vegetation density/distribution in the high Arctic
GRIDArendal: Antarctica, topography and bathymetry (topographic map)
GRIDArendal: Coldwater coral reefs, distribution