GRIDArendal: Small area, big variety in types of Submission (Legend)
GRIDArendal: Status of submissions for outer continental shelf
GRIDArendal: Submissions and Preliminary Information
GRIDArendal: Seabed jurisdiction
GRIDArendal: Deep underwater, deeper underground
GRIDArendal: Small area, big variety in types of Submission
GRIDArendal: Relative contribution of outer continental shelf to total area under national jurisdiction
GRIDArendal: Role of Geology in Article 76
GRIDArendal: Total area of outer continental shelf by State
GRIDArendal: Area of outer continental shelf submitted per continent
GRIDArendal: Ratio of outer continental shelf over emerged land area
GRIDArendal: Global distribution of outer continental shelf
GRIDArendal: Maritime zones
GRIDArendal: Status of the Convention
GRIDArendal: Number of submissions and Preliminary, Information per day
GRIDArendal: Area of outer continental shelf submitted per continent