GRIDArendal: Agriculture landscape with motorway, near Amsterdam, The Netherlands
GRIDArendal: Shkumbin river and agriculture landscape South of Elbasan, Albania
GRIDArendal: Wetlands in the agriculture landscape near Amsterdam, The Netherlands
GRIDArendal: Desert South of Lake Nasser, Egypt
GRIDArendal: The Sahara meets the Mediterranean Sea, Coast of Egypt
GRIDArendal: Agriculture landscape with small villages and forests in Baden Würtemberg, Germany
GRIDArendal: The Nile downstream the Merowe Dam, Sudan
GRIDArendal: Desert in Northern Egypt
GRIDArendal: Bileca Lake, Bosnia and Herzegovina
GRIDArendal: Gavdos, the southernmost Greek Island, South of Crete
GRIDArendal: Crete, Greece
GRIDArendal: Lake Nasser, Egypt, June 2014
GRIDArendal: Agriculture landscape with channel in the Netherlands
GRIDArendal: Agriculture landscape with small villages and forests in Baden Würtemberg, Germany
GRIDArendal: Desert in Northern Egypt
GRIDArendal: Flat agriculture landscape in the Netherlands
GRIDArendal: Flat agriculture landscape in the Netherlands
GRIDArendal: Desert in Northern Egypt
GRIDArendal: Lake Nasser, Egypt, June 2014
GRIDArendal: Flat agriculture landscape in the Netherlands
GRIDArendal: Devoll River West of Gramsh, Albania
GRIDArendal: The Nile in the North of Khartoum, Sudan
GRIDArendal: Agriculture landscape with small lake, villages and forests in Baden Würtemberg, Germany
GRIDArendal: Mat river and lagoon, Albania
GRIDArendal: The Nile downstream the Merowe Dam, Sudan
GRIDArendal: Lake Skadar, Montenegro-Albania
GRIDArendal: The Sahara meets the Mediterranean Sea, Coast of Egypt
GRIDArendal: 113 Environmental Ministers from 163 countries met for UNEA 2014 in Nairobi
GRIDArendal: Monemvasia, Peloponnese, Greece
GRIDArendal: Crete, Greece