GRIDArendal: Mediterranean Sea water masses: vertical distribution
GRIDArendal: Mean concentrations of trace metals and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
GRIDArendal: Aquaculture in the Mediterranean and Black seas
GRIDArendal: Possible oil slicks detected by satellites
GRIDArendal: Mean surface salinity
GRIDArendal: Coastal erosion (EU) and fragile ecosystems in the Mediterranean
GRIDArendal: Industrial hazardous waste in the Mediterranean countries
GRIDArendal: Sea level variations in the Mediterranean
GRIDArendal: Environmental hotspots on the Mediterranean coast
GRIDArendal: Tourism in the Mediterranean countries
GRIDArendal: Major types of marine litter in the Mediterranean
GRIDArendal: Non-indigenous species over the 20th Century
GRIDArendal: River discharge of freshwater into the Mediterranean
GRIDArendal: Biodiversity in the Mediterranean
GRIDArendal: Fish catch in the Mediterranean Sea sub-regions
GRIDArendal: Population density and urban centers in the Mediterranean basin
GRIDArendal: Non-renewable energy resources in the Mediterranean
GRIDArendal: Chlorinated pesticides and HCB/PCBs releases by sector, 2008
GRIDArendal: Sea surface temperature increase
GRIDArendal: Fertilizer use and nitrogen release in the Mediterranean region
GRIDArendal: Coastal transport infrastructure in the Mediterranean
GRIDArendal: Agriculture and population in the Mediterranean basin
GRIDArendal: Mean surface productivity and eutrophic and hypoxic hot spots in the Mediterranean
GRIDArendal: Wastewater treatment in the Mediterranean coastal cities
GRIDArendal: Total annual precipitations
GRIDArendal: Oil spilled in the Mediterranean
GRIDArendal: Status of Ratification of the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols
GRIDArendal: Chlorophyll-a concentration
GRIDArendal: Number of species in IUCN Red List categories from Mediterranean countries
GRIDArendal: Sources of emissions of nutrients in the Mediterranean region, 2008