GRIDArendal: Time series of intercepted continental runoff and large reservoir storage, 1900–2000
GRIDArendal: Changes in forest area
GRIDArendal: Estimated total reactive nitrogen deposition from the atmosphere (wet and dry) in 1860, early 1990s, and projected for 2050
GRIDArendal: Inland water and mountain systems
GRIDArendal: Annual flow of benefits from forests in selected countries
GRIDArendal: Proportion of population with improved drinking water supply in 2002
GRIDArendal: Number of ecosystem services enhanced or degraded by 2050
GRIDArendal: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment - Sub-global assessments
GRIDArendal: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) average annual growth, 1990–2003
GRIDArendal: Number of major wild fires by continent and decade since 1950
GRIDArendal: Unsustainable water withdrawals for irrigation
GRIDArendal: Species extinction rates
GRIDArendal: Decline in trophic level of fisheries catch since 1950
GRIDArendal: Contrast between contemporary and pre-disturbance transports of total nitrogen through inland aquatic systems resulting from anthropogenic acceleration of this nutrient cycle
GRIDArendal: Comparison of global river nitrogen export from natural ecosystems, agricultural systems, and sewage effluents, 1975 and 1990
GRIDArendal: Net change in components of human well-being between 2000 and 2050
GRIDArendal: Conversion of terrestrial biomes
GRIDArendal: Trend in mean depth of catch since 1950
GRIDArendal: Growth in number of marine species introductions
GRIDArendal: Economic benefits under alternate management practices
GRIDArendal: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment conceptual framework
GRIDArendal: Per capita gross domestic product (GDP) average annual growth, 1990–2003
GRIDArendal: Locations reported by various studies as undergoing high rates of land cover change in the past few decades
GRIDArendal: Number of flood events by continent and decade since 1950
GRIDArendal: Extent of cultivated systems, 2000
GRIDArendal: Marine, coastal, and island systems
GRIDArendal: Global production, prices, and undernourishment
GRIDArendal: Main direct drivers of change in biodiversity and ecosystems (CWG)
GRIDArendal: Collapse of Atlantic cod stocks off the East Coast of Newfoundland in 1992
GRIDArendal: Changes in agricultural land (pasture and cropland)