GRIDArendal: Green jobs
GRIDArendal: Biofuels in China: crop production and water scarcity
GRIDArendal: World biofuels production trends
GRIDArendal: Potential biofuels production on abandoned agricultural land
GRIDArendal: Nitrogen runoff
GRIDArendal: Energy costs in Bot Trang village, Cambodia
GRIDArendal: Global production of biofuels
GRIDArendal: Average water requirement for biofuels
GRIDArendal: Bioenergy, general concept
GRIDArendal: Key factors of the Brazilian biofuel sector
GRIDArendal: Potential biofuels output in Uganda
GRIDArendal: Ecosystem carbon payback time
GRIDArendal: Brazilian biofuels: infrastructure and crops
GRIDArendal: Variation in blue water footprints for selected energy crops
GRIDArendal: Estimated costs and benefits of restoration projects in different biomes
GRIDArendal: Biodiversity in forests and oil palm plantations, South East Asia
GRIDArendal: Impact of land conversion on biodiversity
GRIDArendal: Small scale bioenergy applications - impacts on livelihood
GRIDArendal: Value of ecosystem services
GRIDArendal: Energy efficiency of fuels - how many kilometres can we drive ?
GRIDArendal: Biofuels production and forest area variation in selected countries
GRIDArendal: From seed and soil to end use
GRIDArendal: Pressures on Ugandan forests
GRIDArendal: Global ethanol production, 2009
GRIDArendal: Savings in greenhouse gas emissions by fuel type
GRIDArendal: Biofuels crops and biodiversity
GRIDArendal: Impacts of first-generation biofuels on agricultural prices
GRIDArendal: Technical and sustainable biomass supply potentials and expected demand for biomass in 2050 (primary energy)
GRIDArendal: Wealth of nations and energy consumption
GRIDArendal: CO2 emissions from land conversion for energy crops