GRIDArendal: Arctic Desert, Olrik Fjord, Northern Greenland
GRIDArendal: Peary Land, Northernmost land in the world, Greenland
GRIDArendal: Old Thule, abandoned village, North-West Greenland
GRIDArendal: Arctic Willow (Salix arctica), Thule, Greenland
GRIDArendal: Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima), one day old, Thule, North-West Greenland
GRIDArendal: Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima), Thule, North-West Greenland
GRIDArendal: Peary Land, Northern Greenland
GRIDArendal: Peary Land, Northernmost land in the world, Greenland
GRIDArendal: Peary Land, Northernmost land in the world, Greenland
GRIDArendal: Arctic Desert, Olrik Fjord, Northern Greenland
GRIDArendal: Peary Land, Northernmost land in the world, Greenland
GRIDArendal: Old Thule, abandoned village, North-West Greenland
GRIDArendal: Turnstone (Arenaria interpres), Thule, North-West Greenland
GRIDArendal: Peary Land, Northernmost land in the world, Greenland
GRIDArendal: Arctic Desert, Olrik Fjord, Northern Greenland
GRIDArendal: Arctic Desert, Olrik Fjord, Northern Greenland
GRIDArendal: Beluga Whales (Delphinapterus leucas), North of Thule, North-West Greenland
GRIDArendal: Arctic Desert, Olrik Fjord, Northern Greenland
GRIDArendal: Waterfall at the Glacier Front of the Greenland Ice Sheet, near Olrik Fjord, North-West Greenland
GRIDArendal: Arctic Desert, Olrik Fjord, Northern Greenland
GRIDArendal: Arctic Desert, Olrik Fjord, Northern Greenland
GRIDArendal: Arctic Desert, Olrik Fjord, Northern Greenland
GRIDArendal: Old Thule, abandoned village, North-West Greenland
GRIDArendal: Thule Air Base, North-West Greenland