GRIDArendal: Polar bear on pack ice North of Svalbard
GRIDArendal: Arctic tern, Sterna Paradisea
GRIDArendal: Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus; Female) on melting Sea ice, Franz Josef Land,
GRIDArendal: Cordova Harbor, Copper River Delta, Alaska
GRIDArendal: Tourist with Arctic Poppies, Georgeland/Franz Josef Land, Russian Arctic National Park
GRIDArendal: Humpback Whale, Franz Josef Land, Russian Arctic National Park
GRIDArendal: Saltmarshes and tidal flats, Copper River Delta, Alaska
GRIDArendal: Lemming roads in the earth, Setesdalheia, Southern Norway
GRIDArendal: Polar Poppy (Papaver polare) and Tourists, Georgeland, Franz Josef Land/Russian Arctic National Park
GRIDArendal: Swedish cornel (Cornus suecica,) Bø, Vesterålen, Norway
GRIDArendal: Humpback Whale, Franz Josef Land, Russian Arctic National Park
GRIDArendal: Glacier ice, Antarctic Peninsula
GRIDArendal: Bever habitat near Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
GRIDArendal: Walrus (Odobenus Rosmarus), Svalbard
GRIDArendal: Little auks (Alle alle), Svalbard
GRIDArendal: Walrus (Odobenus Rosmarus), Svalbard
GRIDArendal: Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus; Female) on melting Sea ice, Franz Josef Land, Russian Arctic National Parka
GRIDArendal: Copper River Delta Shorebird Festival, Cordova, Alaska
GRIDArendal: Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) swimming, in between pack ice North of Svalbard
GRIDArendal: Lemming (Lemmus lemmus), Setesdalheia, Southern Norway
GRIDArendal: Western Sandpiper (Calidris mauri), Copper River Delta, Alaska
GRIDArendal: High Arctic Plants in Arctic Desert of Franz Josef Land, Russian Arctic National Park
GRIDArendal: Humpback Whale, Franz Josef Land, Russian Arctic National Park
GRIDArendal: High Arctic landscape on Svalbard with Mountain Avens (dryas octopetala)
GRIDArendal: Tourists photographing thick-billed guillemots, Alkefjelet, Svalbard
GRIDArendal: Sea ice breaking off North of Svalbard
GRIDArendal: Tourists cleaning the shores on Amsterdamøya, Svalbard
GRIDArendal: Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus), Svalbard
GRIDArendal: Autumn colours (Mountain sorrel; Oxyria digyna) in the tundra of Todalen, Longyearbyen, Svalbard
GRIDArendal: Walrus mother with baby, Apollonova Island Franz Josef Land/Russian Arctic National Park