George Reader DC: the mighty huntress has downed her prey
George Reader DC: What Giraffe? I don't see a giraffe.
George Reader DC: windblown
George Reader DC: kickin' back
George Reader DC: queen of the dock
George Reader DC: ciao Bella!
George Reader DC: snuggled in with my new chewy
George Reader DC: Treat 1: May I have a treat please?
George Reader DC: Treat 2: May I NOW have a treat?
George Reader DC: Treat 3 ....Hey dude where are the #@% treats?
George Reader DC: Treat 4: It seems highly unlikely that there are treats in this location! I think this might be a snow job!
George Reader DC: Treat 5: On the whole, I'd rather be in Philadelphia. (They have wonderful tasty treats there!)
George Reader DC: Treat 6: I'm sorry you broke your lens, but maybe it wouldn't have happened if you had given me the treat.
George Reader DC: DC blizzard 2010 beginnings
George Reader DC: DC Blizzard 2010 I havent seen the mailman this morning. What's up with that?
George Reader DC: DC Blizzard 2010: What hump, master?
George Reader DC: DC Blizzard 2010: The garden party scheduled to begin at 3 this afternoon has been postponed
George Reader DC: Watch what? Birdie?.... I don't see any birdie!!!
George Reader DC: Will you please put down the camera and put some peanut butter in this thing?
George Reader DC: Playin' possum
George Reader DC: completely pooped
George Reader DC: Happy New Year Everyone -- the Holidays can be sooo tiring
George Reader DC: 12:00:01 -- Happy New Year One and All!