George Reader DC: Massacre of the Innocents -Chartres Cathedral
George Reader DC: Chartres -The Maidens porch
George Reader DC: Chartres -Virgin and Child
George Reader DC: The clock Chartres
George Reader DC: intimation of fall
George Reader DC: positively medieval the village of Chartres
George Reader DC: Chartres Cathedral
George Reader DC: 24 hour clock on the north side of Chartres
George Reader DC: gothic portent
George Reader DC: In the mind of the mason
George Reader DC: Gothic exhuberance
George Reader DC: Chartres - the High Altar
George Reader DC: the stonecarvers art in Chartres
George Reader DC: Chartres Cathedral
George Reader DC: the glories of Chartres
George Reader DC: Chartres Cathedral
George Reader DC: Chartres the west windows
George Reader DC: Chartres the west windows
George Reader DC: Chartres -the west rose window
George Reader DC: Chartres the west windows
George Reader DC: the spires of Chartres
George Reader DC: half timber - Chartres
George Reader DC: a holy temple on the hill - Chartres Cathedral from the lower town
George Reader DC: the gothic spires of Chartres Cathedral