George Reader DC: Vatican the Borgia Apartments
George Reader DC: Vatican the Borgia Apartments
George Reader DC: Incendio del Borgo - the Vatican - Raphael
George Reader DC: Incendio del Borgo - Raphael
George Reader DC: The Vatican Apartments
George Reader DC: Raphael -the School of Athens
George Reader DC: a Vatican ceiling
George Reader DC: The Disputations of the Church - detail Raphael
George Reader DC: Raphael - ceiling in the papal Raphael apartments
George Reader DC: Raphael - School of Athens detail
George Reader DC: Raphael - School of Athens detail
George Reader DC: Raphael -the School of Athens -the Vatican
George Reader DC: Frescoe detail in the Borgia Apartments
George Reader DC: the Vatican - decorative detail in the Raphael apartments
George Reader DC: Raphael- St Paul released from his chains in Rome
George Reader DC: Noah - the closing of the Ark
George Reader DC: Attila the Hun turned away from Rome
George Reader DC: the Vatican -birds in the papal apartments
George Reader DC: Faith triumphant over idolatry
George Reader DC: Vatican City
George Reader DC: bare brested Innocence
George Reader DC: the Baptism of Constantine
George Reader DC: Vatican -papal apartments
George Reader DC: Moderation in the renaissance papacy - Vatican City -papal apartments
George Reader DC: Keys to the Kingdom and the Beehive Tiara
George Reader DC: a cross in the heavens appears to Constantine
George Reader DC: Constantine at the battle of the Milvian Bridge, Rome
George Reader DC: Vatican City -decoration in the papal apartments
George Reader DC: Disputations of the Church