gregorc w: Yellow T
gregorc w: Geometric abstraction
gregorc w: Picko and Lucky Lady
gregorc w: Just Trucks
gregorc w: Skylight drive
gregorc w: Ummmmm
gregorc w: High speed certified coffe cup.
gregorc w: Fish in oil
gregorc w: SF marina
gregorc w: Christmas Tree
gregorc w: 1 minute before storm
gregorc w: Love on the bridge.
gregorc w: Philadelphia Swann Fountain
gregorc w: Boat house
gregorc w: Philadelphia/Picasso
gregorc w: Humvee
gregorc w: Sevilla
gregorc w: Loner
gregorc w: Lombard street
gregorc w: Chinatown
gregorc w: 6 X 6
gregorc w: Lunch at Continental
gregorc w: Sunrise at Zanzibar
gregorc w: Henna
gregorc w: door