Grey Skull: blue splash....
Grey Skull: in the shadows....
Grey Skull: reach for the skies...!!!
Grey Skull: angled gopura
Grey Skull: partha saarathi
Grey Skull: front gopura
Grey Skull: gushing waters
Grey Skull: archway
Grey Skull: umbrellas drawn
Grey Skull: chk tat out...!!!!
Grey Skull: The Elephant Headed Guy
Grey Skull: Lakshmi and Narasimha
Grey Skull: carving
Grey Skull: temple
Grey Skull: fort agoda
Grey Skull: splash....!!!
Grey Skull: fort agoda
Grey Skull: hammocks
Grey Skull: fun in the air...
Grey Skull: scary me...
Grey Skull: wild flwr
Grey Skull: fake rose
Grey Skull: clouds 1
Grey Skull: evening 3
Grey Skull: wall hanging
Grey Skull: house
Grey Skull: b/w deity