Greyscale3: Canon Sure Shot Supreme, Agfa APX 100 expired 1999, Sprint Standard 1:9 8 minutes 20C
Greyscale3: Pentax IQZoom 35~70mm Zoom Macro, Kodak TMax 100 expired 2005, Sprint Standard 1:9 6:30 20C
Greyscale3: Canon Zoom XL, Arista EDU II Premium 100, Sprint Standard 1:9 10 minutes 20C.
Greyscale3: Canon MC, Kentmere 400 box speed pushed 1 stop in development, Sprint Standard 1:9 12:30
Greyscale3: Minolta SRT 201, Rokkor-X 45/2, Agfa APX 100 expired 1993 box speed Rodinal 1:25 8 minutes.
Greyscale3: Miranda Auto Sensorex EE, Auto Miranda 50/1.4 8 element, Kodak Panatomic X expired 1989 box speed, Sprint Standard 1:9 5 minutes 20C
Greyscale3: Kodak Chevron, Ektar 78/3.5, Kodak Plus X expired 1983 box speed, Sprint Standard 1:19 10 minutes 20C.
Greyscale3: Miranda F, Auto Miranda 50/1.4 (eight element), Kodak Panatomic X expired 1989, Sprint Standard 1:9 5 minutes.
Greyscale3: Nikon F4, Nikkor 85/1.8 AFD, Ilford Pan 50F+ expired 2015 EI 80 Diafine
Greyscale3: Minox 35EL, Agfa APX 100 expired 1999, Diafine
Greyscale3: Exa 500, Enna Ultra Lithagon 28/3.5, Kodak Plus X expired 1989 EI 80, Diafine.
Greyscale3: Nikon F2A, TriX @ 800 yellow filter, Rodinal 1:25 8:30 20C
Greyscale3: Minolta X-600, Yashinon DX 50/2 yellow filter, Astrumphoto 100 expired 2016, Sprint Standard 1:9 7 minutes.
Greyscale3: Olympus Pen F, Zeiss Jena Flektogon 25/4, Kentmere 400 @ 800, Sprint Standard 1:9 12:30.
Greyscale3: Nikon F, Nikkor 50/1.4 pre-Ai, Kentmere 400 @ 800, yellow filter, Sprint Standard 1:9 12:30
Greyscale3: Edixa Reflex B-V (Exacta bayonet), Enna Super-Lithagon 35/2.5, Kentmere 400 orange filter, Sprint Standard 1:9 9:30 20C
Greyscale3: VEB Ercona II, Zeiss Opton 105/3.5, ORWO NP22 expired 1983 EI 80, Sprint Standard 7 minutes 20C
Greyscale3: Kodak Recomar 18, Kodak Anastigmat 105/4.5, ORWO NP22 6.5x9 expired 1991 EI 100, Sprint Standard 1:9 5:30 20C
Greyscale3: Bolsey Model C, Wollensak Anastigmat 44/3.2, Orwo UN54+ EI 100, Sprint Standard 7:00 20C
Greyscale3: Voigtlander VSL-1, Voigtlander Color-Ultron 55/1.4 AR, Kentmere 400 @ 800 yellow filter, Sprint Standard 1:9 12:30 20C
Greyscale3: Hasselblad 1000f, Kaligar 52/3.5, Lucky 100SHD expired 2005 box speed, Sprint Standard 7 minutes 20C
Greyscale3: Nikon F4, Nikkor 85/1.8AFD. Kentmere 400 @ 800, Sprint Standard 1:9 12:30 20C
Greyscale3: Hasselblad 500C/M, Zeiss Distagon 50/4, Agfa APX 100 expired 2005 box speed, Sprint Standard 8 minutes 20C
Greyscale3: Rolleiflex 3.5f Planar, Fuji Neopan Acros 100 expired 2019 box speed, Sprint Standard 1:9 10 minutes 20C
Greyscale3: Rolleiflex 2.8E Xenotar, Kodak Technical Pan expired 1982 EI 25 TD-3 14 minutes Most of this roll was trash (packing paper transfer, and underexposed), but I did salvage these.
Greyscale3: Aires Automat, Nikkor Q.C. 75/3.5, Agfa APX 25 expired 2009 box speed Rodinal 1:25 6 minutes 20C
Greyscale3: ICA Ideal 111 (1922), Zeiss Tessar 105/4.5, Kodak Panatomic X (expired 1982) D76 stock 5 minutes 20C
Greyscale3: Sears Tower 53b, Steinheil Cassar S 50/2.8, Kodak Tri X expired 1977 EI 200, D76 7:45 20C
Greyscale3: Today's choice was the Yashica M, an early Yashica fixed-lens rangefinder with a very sharp Yashinon 50/1.9 lens. Film is fresh ORWO UN54+, EI 100, developed in Rodinal 1:25 for 6:30 20C.
Greyscale3: Graflex Miniature Speed Graphic, Kodak Anastar 101/4.5, Ilford HP5+ expired 2009, Rodinal 1:25 8 minutes