greyhound dad: The Lobby
greyhound dad: It was COLD...
greyhound dad: Dinner
greyhound dad: The Guard
greyhound dad: The Pier
greyhound dad: Vinoy Gate
greyhound dad: The Pier
greyhound dad: Floor of the Lobby
greyhound dad: The Lobby
greyhound dad: The Bar at the Vinoy
greyhound dad: Babe Ruth's Contract in the Vonoy Lobby
greyhound dad: Sitting area in the Lobby of the Vinoy
greyhound dad: The Vinoy
greyhound dad: Poinsietta
greyhound dad: Mom and Daughter
greyhound dad: Bi-plane
greyhound dad: The Vinoy
greyhound dad: Pro-Photographer doing a shoot
greyhound dad: The Pier
greyhound dad: Posing
greyhound dad: Posing
greyhound dad: Posing
greyhound dad: Profile
greyhound dad: Best and Worst nature