greyhound dad: Little Blue Heron
greyhound dad: Little Blue Heron
greyhound dad: Little Blue Heron
greyhound dad: Little Blue Heron
greyhound dad: Little Blue Heron
greyhound dad: Little Blue Heron
greyhound dad: Got one..
greyhound dad: Got one..
greyhound dad: Lazy Gator
greyhound dad: DSC_6633
greyhound dad: DSC_6632
greyhound dad: Drying
greyhound dad: Nice Fish
greyhound dad: Dinner
greyhound dad: eatting
greyhound dad: There is a dear in there...
greyhound dad: Gator
greyhound dad: Little Blue Heron
greyhound dad: Drying the feathers
greyhound dad: beauty
greyhound dad: beauty
greyhound dad: beauty
greyhound dad: Hiding in the trees
greyhound dad: Hiding in the trees
greyhound dad: Gator
greyhound dad: Anhinga
greyhound dad: Wally
greyhound dad: Hunter
greyhound dad: Hunter