greyhound dad: Reading their cards
greyhound dad: The card
greyhound dad: Checking out a gift book
greyhound dad: The funny book
greyhound dad: Guessing what it is..
greyhound dad: Doug thinking, Oh no something to put together..
greyhound dad: We needed one of these..
greyhound dad: 3 pieces.. Fun and easy assembly??
greyhound dad: Get me outta here..
greyhound dad: Wendy and Hollys assembly work completed..
greyhound dad: The no longer newlyweds
greyhound dad: Don't drop that cake!
greyhound dad: mmmmmmmmmmm... Cake!
greyhound dad: Begining the assembly
greyhound dad: Opening the parts bags
greyhound dad: Spydy to the rescue
greyhound dad: Part a goes to part be then c fasted by a bolt? huh?