samfeinsilver: House in Fog on Squirrel
samfeinsilver: Squirrel Island
samfeinsilver: House in Fog on Squirrel
samfeinsilver: Boothbay
samfeinsilver: Fog Lifting above Squirrel Island
samfeinsilver: Jo and Rock and Me
samfeinsilver: Greylock, Jo and Sky
samfeinsilver: Camilla
samfeinsilver: Jo and Greylock
samfeinsilver: Captain and Crew
samfeinsilver: Storm Clouds over Southport
samfeinsilver: Checking the Sky
samfeinsilver: Storm Clouds over Southport
samfeinsilver: Happy to be Sailing
samfeinsilver: Jo, Camilla and Ben
samfeinsilver: Jo, Camilla and Ben
samfeinsilver: Adjusting the Sails
samfeinsilver: Adjusting the Sails
samfeinsilver: Adjusting the Sails
samfeinsilver: Starting to Rain Hard
samfeinsilver: Rain and Hail
samfeinsilver: Heading for Cover