greyloch: Ahsoha Tano
greyloch: Ghost Spider (Spider-Gwen)
greyloch: Hutter's Girl waitress
greyloch: Creepy ... yet cultured
greyloch: Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane (with Flash) and Uncle Jesse (The Dukes of Hazzard)
greyloch: Lilith (portrait)
greyloch: Alter-Egos
greyloch: Laurel's House of Horrors clown
greyloch: Determination
greyloch: Jade (Mortal Kombat)
greyloch: Ghostbusters... What Do You Want??!
greyloch: In a Gotham City Alley
greyloch: Carmilla (Castlevania)
greyloch: Lilith (colorized portrait)
greyloch: Tank-Girl
greyloch: Storm