greyloch: Chris Lightfellow from Suikoden 3
greyloch: Practiced in the Art of Distraction
greyloch: You *do* magic? Yeah, right ..."
greyloch: Gotham City Garage 1
greyloch: Living Statue
greyloch: 'Hello Kitty' Avengers... KAWAII!!
greyloch: Kitana (Mortal Kombat)
greyloch: EGL Vulcan
greyloch: Misa Amane (Death Note)
greyloch: The Doctor examining an unusual flower
greyloch: Commander Lexa (The 100)
greyloch: Zatanna (old time weathered poster)
greyloch: Zatanna (portrait)
greyloch: Loki sulking
greyloch: Gotham City Garage 2
greyloch: Chris Lightfellow 2
greyloch: Chris Lightfellow (color-blocked)
greyloch: Black Widow
greyloch: Violet (The Incredibles)
greyloch: "So, who wil be next on my list?"
greyloch: Kitana II
greyloch: Commander Lexa II
greyloch: Hello Kitty Avengers II
greyloch: Hello Kitty Hawkeye
greyloch: Hello Kitty Thor
greyloch: Persona 5 (2)
greyloch: Persona 5 (1)
greyloch: D.C. Cosplays June 2018 group photo 2
greyloch: Group shot 1
greyloch: Living Statue 2